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Sorting keys on the cheap
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Author:  addsclayton [ Thu Aug 02, 2012 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Sorting keys on the cheap

Hi all

I don't know if this will help anyone else...

My saf has the single soft button type key, although I had 2 keys neither of them worked. Neither key ha the button anymore, 1 had never had a battery the other did but stopped working about a week ago. Renault quoted me £137 per new key including tuning it in, I make that £274 if I wanted both done.

I went to my local breakers and they had a big bucket of keys, I found 2 of the soft button keys and they charged me £3 for both, with working batteries. I swapped all the bits from the inside about. I did expect to have to get them tuned back to the car, especially the 1 that had not had a battery in it for a years or so.....but to my surprise they both worked straight away.

I make that a saving of £271!!!!!!

Author:  Saffles [ Thu Aug 02, 2012 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Sorting keys on the cheap

Thats good going! The only snag is that some of the remotes can actually go wrong and at that point you're screwed as only renault can deal with that but yes the plastics etc is totally swapable. I need to do this myself at some point as the buttons on both my remotes are knackered.

The other saff only has one key but its the old IR type that seems to be indestructible.

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