Thought it best to start a new thread but thanks for the responses on the Welcome page. SAFRANEV6RXE - Thank you for your comments so far. Yes, it is the ebay / gumtree / cars and classics example. I was not aware that the rear spoiler and wheeltrims were wrong. I actually thought the wheels were alloys from photos but sadly not. Will have to search out the correct replacements. I wonder where the rear spoiler came from? Regarding age - looks like this is an early example if not quite the earliest. Already I have learnt some interesting facts here on the forum regarding specs. I remember 2 bosses at work had R25s and one upgraded to an early Safrane soon after launch. I remember his complaints when the aircon failed and he had no sunroof either. I am sure that car did not survive through time. I do not have any brochures but a couple of downloads and a pricelist! A brochure is on my (ever growing) list of things to get. As to plans - well, undecided at the moment but it would be good to be a keeper. Been away from Renault for a while but have previously had 18TS, 18GTS, 19TXE, 19 Biarritz D, 21 Turbo D, 21GTD, 21 Savannah, 11TXE, 10 (yes, 1968 rear engine!) amongst others. First memorable Renault experience was my Dad's 30TS on a v-reg which left a huge impression on me (and on the garage door when the handbrake failed first night home!). To be fair, that was the most unreliable Friday Afternoon car we ever had but it was also the most awesome machine! Sorry, lots of waffle - Safrane is car no.3 for me at the moment and bought purely on a whim as an interesting, comfy alternative to my daily drive. Now I have it, I think its lovely in its own way - slightly the worse for wear after 23 years but it has SURVIVED this far. So, it will have an easy life for now and if the weather ever improves a thorough valet and work through a list of jobs to get onto. In the meantime, it is great that there are at least a few more misguided souls like me that can appreciate an elderly, rare odd choice of car!