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Marcin: Can this be saved?
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Author:  Saffles [ Tue Mar 19, 2013 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Marcin: Can this be saved?


I've just got the rear subframe out of the safrane I am breaking. It's pretty badly rusty but doesn't seem as bad as yours was before you rebuilt it. The only problem is it has some bolts that have seized and rusted away.

Do you think this can be saved?:





Any idea how I can get that brake mechanism out?

Author:  Marcin [ Wed Mar 20, 2013 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marcin: Can this be saved?

everything can be done, question is: how much you wanna spend on it?
First to try is put wd40 on the bolts and leave it overnight. Probably they will shear anyway but wd40 will give you a chance. If you wanna have this subframe done well then it will need shot blasting, repair (new threds, bolts, welding etc - no big difference if you shear them previously) and galvanizing. Then extra if you want double pack paint on the top and waxoyl inside.

Author:  Saffles [ Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Marcin: Can this be saved?

Hmm, i will have to think about that. Spares for these cars are rare as you know and I never kept the previous subframe. The front subframe looks almost like new so I will be transferring that onto our other safrane (which having 40k less on the clock has a rather rusty subframe).

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