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You have just bought your brand new Safrane but......
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Author:  SAFRANEV6RXE [ Thu Sep 12, 2013 8:26 pm ]
Post subject:  You have just bought your brand new Safrane but......

When brand spanking new,what issues do you think the new owner of there new Safrane might of complained about or returned to the dealership to make a visit to the service counter for a warrenty issue?
A few i can think of are.
Very faint indicator relay,this is very quiet.
Vague PAS.
The near constant clinking of relays etc on the boot pump for the CCS.
The climate control function motors moving,buzzing etc,which i like,but it is loud and a bit annoying.
The N/S mirror glass dropping in R i know you can switch that of,but when it works it dips to low and is useless i feel.
I find the drivers seat doesn,t go back far enough,its fully back and i have the steering column adjuster fully down.

Author:  Saffles [ Thu Sep 12, 2013 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: You have just bought your brand new Safrane but......

Ph2 had a known issue with speedos according to my local dealer but thats about all i could think of!

We've had two with speedo's that would stick when hot. If anyone stumbles onto this from google then it's the clear plastic cover over the speedo - it warps. Take it off and your dials will work again. Also check the heater pipe behind the speedo hasn't split open (cardboard) as that will direct heat straight at the speedo and help it warm up / stick.

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