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Scrapped numbers
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Author:  Saffles [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Scrapped numbers

Well the gov't has now published the figures for the number of cars scrapped in the scrappage scheme of 2009.

The full list is available here as a .xls file saved in CSV format - you will need microsoft excel to open it: ... me-in-2009

To save you the hassle if you're only interested in safrane figures, I've down'd it and totalled the safranes:


Remember that this is only the cars traded in for scrap under the scrappage scheme and does not include those scrapped for the sake of it before, during or after the scheme.

Cunningly if you look closely the government have apparently designed a V1 engine! I'd like to see that.. it must have what.. a whole half a piston in each V ;)

Author:  SAFRANEV6RXE [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrapped numbers

Yeah i saw these a few days ago,but struggled to post them on here
Makes interesting reading,but the versions are very vague and in some cases incorrect
The V1 is actually a Vi.

Author:  Safrane610 [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrapped numbers

Check out some of the spellings for things like Megane! Just goes to show many car sales people really haven't got a clue about cars. I once went to my local Renault dealer in the Safrane and the guy had absolutely no idea who made the (my) Safrane I was showing him. Even when I told him it was a R E N A U L T , I don't think it quite sunk in.

Author:  Saffles [ Thu Oct 02, 2014 9:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Scrapped numbers


Yeah I've had similar looks from the local dealers in the past too. Even when I've rung Renault HQ and say Safrane they don't seem to know what i'm talking about.

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