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oil pressure
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Author:  kpowell123 [ Mon Nov 17, 2014 8:05 pm ]
Post subject:  oil pressure

Was just wondering where the. Needle should sit on the oil pressure dial. Mine is at 3/4 but my last ph2 was nearer half.

Any thoughts

Author:  Saffles [ Mon Nov 17, 2014 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: oil pressure

Ah... now don't be fooled by that it's a dual purpose needle.

During the first 30 seconds it's an oil level needle and should be somewhere near the top.

After that it turns into a pressure needle and varies considerably depending on all sorts of things. Typically about half way is good however it can shoot up to 3/4 under heavy load (eg foot to the floor) and sometimes higher than that.

If it's any higher when idling / cruising then it may be that your recirculation circuit is slowly blocking up.

Author:  kpowell123 [ Tue Nov 18, 2014 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: oil pressure

Thanks for that. It sits at 3/4 when idling after it has switched to oil pressure. I will check the breather pipes. Can the EGR valve be an issue here ?


Author:  Saffles [ Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: oil pressure

No clue what the EGR is if i'm totally honest. If you mean the valve at the back of the black bellowed air pipe, yes that can blow out with a blocked breather.

The only blocked recirculation i ever had was a replacement PCV / oil seperator job on the front of the block under the inlet manifold. Turned out the PCV wasn't itself blocked but the pipe at the bottom of it leading back into the engine was. PITA job to do though as it was a manifold off job.

Run the engine for a few minutes and then pull the oil dipstick. If its blocked like mine was (which was completely blocked) then you'll probably get a gushing sound.

I posted similar info here in this thread - no idea if it helps - good luck!:

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