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Replacing the leds for the climate control & other displays
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Author:  afterinfo [ Tue Nov 25, 2014 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Replacing the leds for the climate control & other displays


My climate display screen and other display screens act up a bit (go out and come back on or flicker a bit at times) and I think it is because the LEDs are failing.

Does anyone know what LEDs I need to purchase to replace them?

Is it a big job to do and do I have to take extra care of anything during the process?

Thought I would ask before taking the car apart to get to them.

I hope the LEDs are standard and not some sort of obscure Renault Safrane custom part...had enough hassle sourcing a replacement driver wiper arm!


Author:  Saffles [ Tue Nov 25, 2014 3:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Replacing the leds for the climate control & other displ

They're not LEDs, they're just normal little light bulbs. Under the front hinged button cover for the climate control panel are two very small crosshead screws. Undo and the unit slides out / forwards.

Behind the screen you will see the bulbs are fitted in there. Twist counter clockwise (i think) and they will release.

No idea what type they are but I'm sure halfords or a local motor spares place will be able to help. Incidentally if you ever find a safrane in a scrap yard these are always worth a few minutes to remove as they don't fail very often.

Author:  afterinfo [ Tue Nov 25, 2014 7:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Replacing the leds for the climate control & other displ

Thanks Saffles.

The Odometer and adjacent display sometimes go out and if I tap the dash in the right spot in front they usually come back on. Those bulbs probably need replacing unless there is a loose connection somewhere.

Author:  Saffles [ Tue Nov 25, 2014 7:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Replacing the leds for the climate control & other displ

Ah yes I have a similar glitch with my left side odomoeter too lol. I always find like you, a quick tap seems to right it again (that or a good pothole lol).

Author:  SAFRANEV6RXE [ Wed Nov 26, 2014 7:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Replacing the leds for the climate control & other displ

The instrument panel is easy to remove,if like a Phase 1 you need to remove the trim panel from the underside of the upper dash,then the actual surround of the instrument panel then unscrew the panel itself,it will have block connector wiring,be careful with this,you have to open the back of the panel up to replace the bulbs,it is a simpleish job to do.

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