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Grille Seals
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Author:  Saffles [ Mon Jan 26, 2015 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Grille Seals

Hey gang

Just wondering if anyone else has had this annoying problem where the seals on the grille under the headlights appear to be shrinking in length and pulling themselves off the plastic? - I have pics (excuse the cat - he refused to give up the sofa for me):






I do have another grille but this is in the same condition too - the seals are shot!

SAFRANEV6RXE are they still available new?

I've mulled over the thought of superglue but frankly they're fitted on so tightly when i hold them with my fingers I have doubts about glue sticking (and then it might knacker the paint).

All fun...

Author:  SAFRANEV6RXE [ Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grille Seals

The seals are not availiable seperate from the grille,i wouldn,t superglue them,that stuff can be horrible and more hassle than good,if it runs you have had it!
Again i think a breaker is the only route,it seems like i keep saying this recently....

Author:  Saffles [ Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Grille Seals

Trouble is with the breakers, every safrane i have broken has had the same problem with the seals. I bought a replacement chrome grille on ebay a while back (bargain at £20 - i didn't think he'd take that offer lol) and he sent me the entire grille panel rather than just the chrome bit. Again, seals were shot on that too and that makes four in total that i've dealt with.

I'm now thinking that epoxy resin might be a good option - it's not like i ever want to take the seals back off anyuway lol

Author:  Saffles [ Tue Jan 27, 2015 11:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Grille Seals

Well having looked at the spare grille i have in the shed, it's apparent that the seals are stuck on with something. The seals on that aren't great but they are at least still stuck on in most places.

I think I'm going with the epoxy resin option..

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