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Wanted: Ph2 aircon pressure sensor
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Author:  teuski [ Thu Jun 16, 2016 3:53 am ]
Post subject:  Wanted: Ph2 aircon pressure sensor

Anyone got a working pressure sensor for the AC and willing to post it fo Finland?
I'm not sure if they are the same an all Safranes. Mine's a 3-wire one on a ph2 2.5 20V.

I'd also like to know if i will lose refrigerant if i remove it. There are some reports on the internet that the refrigerant wouldn't be release but i don't know...
If I need to have it regassed, then i guess i''ll have to arrange it so that the fluid is recovered before i change the sensor...

Author:  teuski [ Wed Apr 19, 2017 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Wanted: Ph2 aircon pressure sensor

As an update i succesfully fitted a Dacia Duster pressure sensor to my Safrane. On the outside it looked different but it fits and works fine, even the connector is the same. There is a valve in the sensor socket so the sensor can be changed without releasing the refrigerant.

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