placidcasual wrote:
I am just wondering, is the drivers side wiper arm meant to be hook side up?
Not for a normal car lol.
That said, yes on the safrane it seems to be a 'feature'. We have a ph2 2.5 and have the same wiper arm that hooks up instead of down and like you, it's a pain to find a replacement.
What i do is go to my local motor factors and just get them to replace the actual rubber part. My local has a big reel of wiper blade rubber stuff and he simply cuts it off and fits it to the wiper arm for me. Admittedly this is a pain as it means i can't use any brand of my choice (eg bosch) but its better than nothing.
Alternative would be to buy the blades of your choice at the right size and take out the rubber and swap it over seperately.]
SAFRANEV6RXE might be able to offer better advice as he is a ph1 man
PS I've taken you off moderation now so you can post away