Thanks for the tips.
I measured the pressure sensor plug and it has +5V (usual in sensors), ground and a signal(?) pin.
When i short the 5V to ground the revs change. That happens also when i unplug it while the engine is running so i guess the ECU gets the impression that the compressor is turned on and raises revs. But the compressor clutch never engages.
How can i get to the AC self diagnostic mode? I don't think i need it though, i'm pretty sure the CLIP tells me the right information. I also got a tip to try turning on the AC with defrost on, that way it should bypass the temperature sensor. The AC still won't turn on. There is pressure in the system so it hasn't leaked.
I also found and cleaned the 2 temp sensors' connectors.
I read that in some systems removing the pressure sensor doesn't release the gas. But i suppose in this case it does. Even if i get a working sensor how can i test it without getting the right pressure to it?
My best guess is that the 3-wire sensor measures both low and high pressure by varying the resistance, so i should get something between 0 and 5 volts to the signal pin. 0 is empty and 5 is too high. Somewehere i read that usually 1V=100psi but what might be the correct pressure?
Is there a relay or fuse somewhere for the compressor clutch? I only know of the one fuse in the cabin which also is for rear window heater and such.
Is there a way to force it to engage?
I found a pdf about Renault AC:'s a chapter on pressure sensors:
When looking at pressure values that 1V = 100psi sounds reasonable. 2 bar low limit should be 0,23V, high limit should be 3,91V. Now if i use a suitable resistor to get the voltage between those values i should get the clutch engaging if the fault is in the pressure sensor.
another edit:
I now have a voltage reduction thingy made out of a 750Ohm resistor and a 1kOhm potentiometer which allows me to change the voltage between 0 and 3,6V.